Women In Sport Leadership Course 2025
Women In Sport Leadership Course 2025
Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership are delighted to announce that they will be delivering another bespoke national award-winning Women in Sport Leadership Course to clubs in County Sligo in March 2025.
Dates: Six-part course starting Thursday 6th March to Saturday 12th April
Please see below schedule for dates and times:
Thursday 6th March7.00-8.30pm (In person, The Glasshouse)
Thursday 13th March 7.00-8.30pm (Online)
Thursday 20th March 7.00-8.30pm (Online)
Thursday 27th March 7.00-8.30pm (Online)
Thursday 3rd April 7.00-8.30pm (Online)
*Saturday 12th April 10.00am-2.00pm (In person, The Glasshouse)
Application Deadline: Monday 10th February at 4pm.
Cost: €40 per participant
Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership are delighted to announce that they will be delivering another bespoke national award-winning Women in Sport Leadership Course to clubs in County Sligo in March 2025.
This 6-part course is designed and delivered by experienced consultants Lisa Clancy and Sarah O’Shea, who have themselves worked at the highest levels in Irish sport and also hold volunteer Board positions as Vice President of Paralympics Ireland and Honorary General Secretary Olympic Federation Ireland respectively. They bring their extensive experience to the programme.
This leadership programme has proved to be hugely successful with over 500 participants spanning over 52 sporting bodies at home and in Europe. SSRP is delighted to be in a position to offer this course to female volunteers involved in various roles at club level.
The aim of the programme is to provide training, guidance, and expertise to support women in Sligo to thrive in leadership positions in sport. It will give them the opportunity to learn additional skills, increase their confidence and build networks across sports.
The interactive practical classes allow each participant to work and focus on their own development, while also learning from others and hearing about their experiences of leadership.
Topics will include effective communication, values, networking and collaboration, crisis management and influence and change.
The programme is specifically designed for female leaders over the age of 18 years working or volunteering within sport (committee members, officials, volunteers etc.) but it is also suitable for females that are involved in sport and want to pursue a position of leadership.
SSRP CEO Deirdre Lavin stated
“SSRP is delighted to announce that once again the highly rated Women in Sport Leadership Course is planned with the aim of continuing to support women across the County to develop into leadership roles in sport. To date we have 48 women who have undertaken the course, and it is fantastic to see how many course participants have gained confidence and progressed into taking up leadership positions in their clubs. I encourage women of all ages, abilities and backgrounds involved in sporting organisations to consider this opportunity which will be of great benefit to them both personally and to their club.”
Past participant Clodagh Flynn stated
“I would highly recommend any women leaders to take this course. It will build your confidence, give you the tools enabling you to make positive leadership decisions, deal with difficult situations of conflict or crisis, and give access to an amazing network of other female leaders”
Those interested should be a female, already in a volunteer role in your club or recognised as having the potential to take on a leadership role in the near future. It is important to circulate amongst all members of clubs to encourage applications. The course commences on the 6th of March 2025. Places on the course are limited to 16 and all applications received by the closing date will be reviewed based on the content of this Expression of Interest Form by Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership to select the successful applicants for 2025. We encourage applicants to register their expression of interest as soon as possible. It is also important that applicants can attend on the course dates listed above.
Places will be offered via application process and as the course is heavily subsidised through Sport Ireland Dormant Accounts Volunteer Support Programme, we are able to offer it at €40 per participant. Selection criteria will take into consideration current involvement in your club/activity, diversity of sports representation (major/minority) and geographical spread. Priority will be given to applicants involved with County Sligo Clubs.
Application deadline is Monday 10th February at 4pm.
Register your expression of interest at: https://WISL2025.eventbrite.ie
Additional Course Information
Course content includes modules on:
• Leadership and values
• Networking and collaboration
• Handling challenging situations and developing resilience
• Crisis management
• Influencing in leadership
• Communications and developing your personal brand
• Governance in sport
• Change management
Further, all participants will receive a one-on-one coaching session with a course tutor and support in producing their own Personal Development Plan. Guest speakers will also provide insight into their own leadership experiences.
The course will take the format of interactive sessions, online and in person, including opportunities for breakout groups. A relaxed and supportive environment is fostered throughout to enhance the learning experiences for all.
For further information please contact eimear@sligosportandrecreation.ie