Ageing Well with Exercise
Currently people are making a collective effort to minimise physical contact with those in our lives and communities. SSRP will continue to connect with people to support them in managing their physical and mental health through regular physical activity.
All older adults should aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity on at least 5 days of the week. These minutes can be accumulated over the course of each day and make sure to try and include some simple weight bearing and balance exercises 2-3 times weekly. SSRP are delighted to be able to share some opportunities for older adults to be physically active.
Active Sitting
If you would like to try some simple exercises from a seated position, then why not try these out:
- The chair based exercises in this HSE booklet are low intensity and a great start to regular activity for anyone with limited mobility. Click HERE to view the booklet
- Eduardo Santos has been leading high quality, fun movement and skills sessions targeting older people for SSRP for a number of years. Why not check in with Eduardo on one of his simple Youtube movement videos at any of the following:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3 - Big Tree Yoga Sligo offers Yoga sessions that cater for all ages and abilities. Join Anita for one of her easy to follow, enjoyable and relaxing chair based Yoga sessions HERE
Sit 2 Stand
Sit to stand exercises are considered some of the best movements for seniors. To have a go at a range of functional exercises which will strengthen the whole body you can tap into any of the following:
- Age and Opportunity Active is a national programme designed to get older adults more active. To participate in their weekly ‘movement minutes’ videos tune in HERE
- The Primary Care Physiotherapy Services in Sligo in partnership with SSRP and Sligo County Council bring you 8 exercises that will improve your body movement and keep you strong and steady on your feet. To give them a go just click HERE . You can also listen to the Ocean FM Podcast of the exercises or view them on a youtube video by visiting HERE
Move More at Home
Despite having to maintain social distancing and avoiding close contact with others you can still find lots of ways to get your 30 minutes of movement and exercise daily. Her are a few tips to Guide you:
Walk More: There are lots of ways you can incorporate more walking into your day (whilst staying within you 2km distance from home):
- Walk a bit faster/increase your speed for 60secs/2 mins every now and then during your walk.
- Walk laps of your garden/house and time yourself. Increase the number of laps or try to improve on your time.
- Enlist canine support. Walk your or offer to walk a neighbours/family members dog if they are unable to do so.
- Walk or march on the spot every now and then.
- Steal some steps by walking around whilst you chat on your mobile phone.
- Walk to the shop instead of driving (if within distance)/ otherwise park a bit further away.
Active Chores: Take some of the things you don’t like doing and breath some life into them. You can get a good workout doing any of the following:
- Cleaning/sweeping/hoovering
- Washing windows/Wash the car.
- Cutting grass or strimming bushes.
- Chopping wood.
- Weeding or raking.
- Cutting grass.
Be Creative: You can find time to move in any situation. You just have to change your mindset to move more:
- Do some simple exercises whilst you wait for the microwave to bleep. Make those 60 seconds count.
- Perform some exercises during the ad breaks whilst watching the TV.
- Put on some music and dance. No ones watching.
- Do some of those chair based exercise whilst you watch TV or listen to the radio.
- Try some simple balances or calf raises whilst your brush your teeth.
The HSE also have some very useful information for older people on keeping active. Why not have a read by visiting their page HERE