GymABLE Delivers Gymnastics For All
The Sligo based GymABLE programme co ordinated by SSRP and Dynamo Gym Club with support from Gymnastics Ireland has been recognised nationally as a model of good practice when it comes to providing Gymnastics opportunities for people with disabilities. The programme targeted children with a range of disabilities from St Cecilias School and was highlighted at the National GymABLE Club Forum hosted by Gymnastics Ireland in December 2019. The forum targeted club managers, coaches and members who have an interest in developing Gymnastics programmes which are inclusive of people with disabilities. The local GymABLE programme addresses one of the key actions outlined in the National Sports Policy around inequalities which exist in terms of sports participation opportunities for children with disabilities in comparison to their non-disabled peers. The collaborative approach adopted involving SSRP, DyNamo Gym Club and Gymnastics Ireland and St Cecilias School ensures the programme is of a high quality and accessible for all.
Watch this short video for an insight into the programme